Q: Dear Sayadaw, A close friend of mind confided that he had ADHD. When I searched it on internet to know what sort of illness was that, it said “it is a form of illness where the attention span is short.” Since this is a disorder of mind. I think meditation will be more helpful than medications. The problem is he cannot maintain his attention and I think it will be difficult for him to meditate. For the sake of the patient, will you help us, please?
Mya Kyar Phyu,
A: Although it is difficult to meditate for a person who is unable to maintain his attention, it may be so to a certain extent in the beginning. But, with perseverance, especially when mindfulness and concentration of mind develop the practice will get easier and hopefully ADHD is cured.
The Enlightened One assured in the introduction of the Satipaṭṭhāna Sutta as dukkha somanassānaṁ atthiṅgamāya. It means minsfulness practice can eliminate physical and psychological ills. So he probably will get cured by practicing this mindfulness meditation. There was present days’ evidence of cure even a deadly disease like cancer. But there are those who contradicts by saying “with this disease, you will die if you meditate.’’
For that matter I will retold an example mentioned in “University Vipassanā” written by prominent Ven Mahāsī Sayadawgyi.
On the third waxing day of Taw-tha-lin ( 6th month in Burmese calendar ) in the year 1324 Burmese year came a lady named Daw Khin Htway to Mahāsī Sāsana meditation centre in Yangon to meditate. 3 days later, she was in intense pain and fellow meditators massaged her to get some relief. Sayadawgyi asked “what is wrong with you?” I am having cramps inside my tummy. Because of a tumor inside I cannot sit long hours. At home, after about 30 minutes the pains started if I continue talking with my guests. The doctor told me 4 years ago to remove the mass. But I might die while having the operation to remove it. I do not have anything to depend on yet so I came here to meditate. The pains start if I sit for quite a while.
Sayadaw then explained … You need not to sit to meditate. Any posture will do. You can be mindful walking, standing or even lying comfortably in an easy chair. You can be mindful lying flat in your bed. As you remain mindful comfortably, your mindfulness, concentration of the mind and wisdom develop and the tumor might probably disappear.
She then replied “I will follow your instructions. But now let me visit the doctor because the pain is so unbearable.” She asked Sayadaw permission to go out and went to see a doctor.
After examining her doctor threatened, “This huge mass must be removed. You will die if you continue to meditate. Don’t go back to the meditation Centre”. But she thought “I may or may not survive the surgery. I would rather continue my meditation.” Then she decided to go back to meditation centre continue to meditate. Sayadawgyi said “ Let’s see which will go either you or the mass . Don’t give up. Make yourself comfortable to meditate. You can use an easy chair. Try to fend a suitable position for you yourself. But you must be aware in detail of every body gestures and movements, coming, going, eating, drinking etc. Lord Buddha said asite apite khāyite sāyite sampajānakāri hoti ,’’ meaning eating, drinking, chewing, licking, must be done with awareness. Therefore you need to be mindful anyplace anytime except during sleep.
After about 15 days offensive smell while having a meal and remained ever mindful. Later on, she knew it came from nowhere else but from her tummy. Sayadaw encouraged her … “Then the mass will disappear. Strive hard.” She worked patiently and diligently and very soon the mass dissolved. She was elated. When she went back for checkup it was confirmed by the doctor. She was asked what medication she had taken. She told him “nothing but meditation,’’ rather delightfully. The doctor was surprised could hardly believe the power of meditation. He was a non-Buddhist.
While writing this answer another message comes in. A doctor commented it is very unfortunate for ADHD sufferers. It is hopeless for them to meditate in this life. So, though those with ADHD may be unable to meditate, there still can be rays of hope for other illnesses if they try meditation.
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