Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Questions & Answers in midnight (3)

In continuation of second answer , If a person committed detrimental act of killing and one was obsessed with that act , then it would be almost sure to cause next life in abodes of suffering ( Hell, Peta and animals) . In Germany samyutta , Buddha stated that a person who had committed sin of killing repents and works hard deligently on good deeds , one got a good chance of escaping abodes of suffering in immediate next life .
Also in Anguli marla sutta of Dhammapada , Anguli marla had committed countless murders but when he attained Enlightenment ( Arahantship ) , what happened was arahatta magga nyanna completely exterminated all defilements that would have cause next life . By that mechanism , he did not need to be born again in abodes of suffering .( In fact he would be in Nibbanna state) . Even then he still needed to suffer minor trauma off and on remainder of his life . This is good example of Vipassana nulifying past detrimental acts .
As microscopic germs are not living beings, taking antibiotics is not committing the sin of killing (as explained by Ven . Mahasi )
3) in reply to question on meditation
Being absorbed in meditation can occur by so many causes such as awareness of impermanence or delight just to name a few .
For example , Prince Nanda , half brother of Buddha started meditating just to meet up with angels but he has achieved arahatship .
At the end of the day, it does not matter the reason. As long as yogi continues practicing, concentration and wisdom would be achieved.
As Concentration matures , interest in normal day to day activities.
At that stage , yogi would like to concentrate on mediation by attaining ascetic life.
If it cannot be achieved , livelihood could be difficult . So yogi needs to continue working.
In contrary to popular belief , meditation does not need to be confined to meditation centre .Meditation can be practiced in all 4 postures namely walking ,standing , sitting or lying .
As clearly stated in maha-satipatthana sutta , Yogi needs to be mindful of all body postures continuously all the time . Enlightenment can occur at any place or any time .
Following are interesting examples . Ashin Ananda , companion to Buddha has been working strenuously to attain higher magga nyanna . As he was at the point of lying down ( for a short rest ) has attained Enlightenment ( arahantship) in a position that just between lying and sitting feet without touching the ground and back not touching the bed .
In Srilanka , there are so many people achieved enlightenment during hiking or having their meals . Also in tipitaka history , A lady achieved enlightenment by applying knowledge that body was withering away similar to vegetables she was frying . Therefore, practising meditation in any available time and place is the excellent system .

4) 4th question about latest in meditation methods
Is it a correct method in which All past, present and future events are NOTHING . All the world is NOTHING . all the namarupa( physical and mental aggregates ) are NOTHING .
It is not in practice very long so that it must be a " new" technique . It was mentioned to me before by a doctor from UK as well . It would be difficult to decide which is correct or which is not in meditation . But there must be a golden rule to test meditation techniques the golden rule to test any meditation method is maha-satipatthana . In maha-satipatthana sutta ,it is said that satipatthana is the only way to be cleared of defilement
In maha-satipatthana sutta , It is said be mindful and aware the walking while walking . Be mindful and aware the sitting while sitting. It is not stated sitting is NOTHING. It is stated that the way to enlightenment is Knowledge Of Reality As It Is . Therefore , just being mindful of reality is the only way to enlightenment . Therefore, the technique of minding that all the things in this world and the whole world is NOTHING is a definitely wrong way .

Although it is more than 2500 years old , there is nothing to add on and nothing to be deleted from Dhamma as Buddha taught . Dhamma is very simple. Just be aware of reality as reality is . Therefore, it is simply watching and knowing reality as it is . That is why it is very clear that the meditation technique in which thinking/hallucinating all the world is NOTHING , is absolutely wrong .

1 comment:

tint said...

ဂါမဏိသံယုတ္ပါဘိုးဘိုးတို ့ရဲ ့
ခုခါမွာ google သရမ္းလိုက္ေတာ့
ဂ်ာမဏီ (Germany ) ဆိို
စာလံုးၾကီးနဲ ့ ေျပာင္းျပန္ေတာ့
ျပင္ရန္လဲ မျဖစ္နိုင္ဘူး
ေၾသာ္ မျဖစ္နိုင္ဘူးးး
not Germany Samyutta . please read Garmani Samyutta